Year-round, but especially this month, CHIL programs offer opportunities for young people to focus on their mental health.
CHIL staff at all levels receive regular trauma-informed care training to help recognize and respond to the signs of previous trauma, approach clients through a strength-based lens, and provide a young person with safety, respect, and choice.

Pictured above is one of our quarterly trauma-informed care trainings, mandatory for all CHIL employees.
Our trauma-informed care model promotes recovery and prevents re‐traumatization by supporting each individual’s choice and providing them with control to create space for their own physical and emotional safety throughout housing programs.
“Many of our young people have survived extremely traumatic experiences at very young, impressionable ages. Our program’s practices avoid triggering painful memories and re-traumatization. For example, domestic violence survivors need different approaches to counseling and care, not only when they first arrive during the intake process but also throughout their journey, while working with our case managers or cohabitating on the residential floor. This distinction in care from other providers is what drew me to come and work for CHIL, to be able to provide the best care,” says Gwendolyn Williams-Pettis, Residential and Youth Development Program Manager.
In addition to our regular programming, CHIL’s program calendar is filled with activities that foster healthy mental health practices. Monthly programming includes guided meditations, group discussions about coping with and managing stress, and physical exercise classes such as dance movement for anxiety. Follow us on social to see our programming in action:
CHIL provides resources tailored specifically to meet the unique needs of young people experiencing homelessness. Help us continue to provide high-quality, personalized care to youth in need by making a donation today: