Earlier this month, Gabby and Lauryn from Accenture led a group activity aimed at helping CHIL’s youth prepare for job interviews. Through several exercises, participants identified their personal strengths and opportunities where they could improve and how to present those attributes when going to job interviews. Volunteers Gabby and Lauryn shared their reflections from volunteering with CHIL youth:

Gabby Snedeker: I really enjoyed the opportunity to come into the Covenant House space and spend time getting to know the bright and energetic youth at CHIL. My favorite part of the afternoon was discussing their ideas around professionalism and workplace strengths – hearing the youth talk about the importance of compassion, teamwork, positivity and more was inspiring and led me to reflect on the type of person I want to be at work!

Lauryn Walker: My first in-person workshop with Covenant House IL was one that I will always remember. The youth were really engaged and open, which I really appreciated! They made me feel welcome, and together we created an environment where we could all learn from each other. I can’t wait to partner with Covenant House IL again!
Accenture is a long-time supporter and partners with Covenant House Illinois in so many ways. If you would like to learn more about Corporate Partnership opportunities, contact Meredith at money@covenanthouse.org