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An Update from Susan Reyna-Guerrero, Executive Director

As summer comes to a close, I’d like to take a moment to highlight some amazing accomplishments happening at Covenant House Illinois!

We’ve met some incredible young people this summer told through the youth stories we’ve shared, including meeting Habi, and Marcus (who recently moved into hi

s very own apartment), plus a few fun group outings for our youth, to mention just a few. I continue to be amazed and humbled by all the inspiring young folks who walk through our doors every day, and I’m so delighted we’ve been able to share their accomplishments with you.

I’m thrilled to report we are increasing the number of youth we serve through our Youth Development Drop-In Center, which is now open some Saturdays & Sundays in addition to our regular weekday schedule! We are also increasing the number of Youth who reside in our interim housing program as we work to ramp-up our shelter’s capacity and help as many young people as possible.

While increasing the number of youth served, we also remain committed to providing ongoing training for our staff members so that they are readily equipped to support and better respond to our youth. Professional development was one of the needs identified by staff during our recently launched strategic planning process, and through which we continue to garner invaluable feedback from youth, staff, and partners. We are eager to be part of the process and lead the way towards an even brighter and more impactful future for CHIL and Chicago's youth.

One priority area we are focusing on is the expansion of our Board of Trustees with the goal that our governing body includes a wide range of professions and expertis

e, be representative of the diversity of youth who visit CHIL, and be true thought leaders and partners as we strive to fulfill our mission.

As always, thank you to our many supporters who have made all of these accomplishments possible and for all that the Fall season has in store. Together we are creating a lasting impact on each young person who comes through our doors.

Susan Reyna-Guerrero, LCSW

Executive Director

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