Cole, just five years old, is already harnessing his philanthropic spirit. When the tooth fairy visited Cole, he selflessly asked his parents if he could give his modest but hard-earned tooth fairy money from his piggy bank to "someone who didn't have a home". This act of generosity soon became contagious, inspiring support from his best buddy Jack (6) and his family to join his efforts. At the end of the day, Cole raised $71.11 for youth experiencing homelessness at Covenant House Illinois.
Cole's dad Mike works at Accenture; a long-time partner and sponsor of Covenant House Illinois'
largest fundraising and awareness-building event - Sleep Out. “We try to instill a sense of community in our kids, to encourage them to have a generous spirit and take care of each other. To remind them that even small efforts can ma
ke a difference” says Mike.
This year, Sleep Out virtual participation offers the opportunity for families and children to Sleep Out remotely while virtually participating in the event's program centered around the issue of Youth homelessness here in Chicago.
On behalf of all the staff and youth at Covenant House Illinois - thank you Cole for your generous and thoughtful support!